
Personal Montreal metro assistant

Your privacy is important

You may choose to share diagnostics data with app developers.

If you do, anonymous crash data and statistics about how you use the app will be shared with us. Otherwise, no information is shared.

To help Apple’s partners and third-party developers improve their apps, products, and services designed for use with Apple products, Apple may provide such partners or developers with a subset of analytics information that is relevant to that partner’s or developer’s app, product, or service, as well as statistics about how you use that partner’s or developer’s app, as long as the analytics information and statistics are aggregated or in a form that does not personally identify you.

You can choose not to share crash data and statistics about how you use apps with third-party app developers. To do so, go to Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements, and turn off Share With App Developers. If Analytics & Improvements is set to Off, sharing crash data and statistics about how you use their apps with third-party app developers is automatically turned off.

Source: App Analytics & Privacy.

No other third party analytics tools or SDKs are used to track your activity.

Location Data

You may choose to enable location services in the app’s settings.

When enabled, your position is used to locate nearby subway stops.

That information never leaves your device and isn’t shared with us or any other third party.

Policy Changes

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